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On this page we provide you extended content on several topics like the integration of robot fleets into a warehouse or how the future of fulfillment might look like. Discover our whitepaper, live- and on demand webinars!
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SOTO Webinar Series

Whitepaper: Static picking processes need to be rethought for autonomous picking robots
In this white paper, we answer the following questions: How must a picking process be designed to support an autonomous picking robot in a static picking system, and what parameters in the process design can be used in the design of picking systems to achieve an increase in the performance of autonomous picking robots?

Whitepaper: Transferring AI research results into an industrial product
This whitepaper summarizes lessons learned in the context of the VeriDream research project. Its aim was to investigate how AI and Machine
Learning algorithms can best be transferred from an academic environment into industrial applications.

Concept paper: The perfect warehouse design for footwear
With experience from visiting over 200 shoe warehouses in Europe and the US, our focus is the footwear industry. This concept paper aims to guide organizations, presenting three different design concepts with differing degrees of automation.

Whitepaper: Fulfillment Automation 2025
Together with our customer Zalando and more than 40 logistic experts we discussed how fulfillment automation might look like in the year 2025. Learn more about the outcome in our whitepaper "Fulfillment Automation 2025":

Whitepaper: Robot Integration
How to implement a robot fleet? Learn more about the joint journey between you as a potential customer and Magazino: from the first warehouse visit until a large scale rollout of an entire robot fleet.
On-demand webinars
You missed our live events? No problem, we upload all recorded webinars:
Is your KLT/Box Supply Process ready to be automated?
- Why should you automate your Supply Process?
- Which are the typical Processes and Challenges?
- Why SOTO?
The Strategic Way to Robot Integration
The automation and digitization of warehouses are advancing inexorably. This makes it all the more important to approach such projects strategically. TORFS is a Belgian shoe retailer that has made a conscious decision to integrate step by step. The question was: Is my warehouse fit for a robot integration? Together with Magazino, TORFS got to the bottom of the matter in a logistical process study.
Our Webinar is an expert interview with TORFS COO/CIO Elke Laeremans and Magazino's Senior Consultant Robot Process Integration Stephanie Bäuml to the questions:
- Why is a strategic approach to the automation and digitization of warehouses important?
- How does a proper process analysis look like?
- How do I know if my warehouse is robot ready?
- Best practice: How does TORFS benefit from the logistical process study?

Replace your tugger train - Product launch of the new SOTO robot
We invite you to join our live webinar and the product launch of the newest version of the SOTO robot! The mobile robot SOTO automates the material supply between the warehouse and the assembly line. The handling and transport of small load carriers (KLT) completely autonomously. During the last years, we worked extensively together with our development partners from the industry to bring the SOTO robot from a prototype to a market-ready product. Now the robot is ready for the big rollouts and it might be time to retire your tugger train!

No Nightshift? How picking robots enable 24/7 warehouse operation and keep you flexible
In this recorded webinar, we want to share all the basics about implementing and running a fleet of mobile picking robots in your footwear warehouse. The next generation of advanced robots has conquered many industries in recent years - warehouse automation is no exception. Mobile robots allow you to run 24/7 operations while providing all the flexibility and scalability that is needed in fast-growing e-commerce businesses.

Magazino Christmas Webinar 2021 - What's next?
The Covid crisis gripped Europe - again - and therewith the uncertainty is back. However, technical development, particularly in the complex world of Advanced Robotics, is progressing even quicker and we will show you in detail what this means.
In this webinar, we take a closer look at the technological development within the world of Advanced Robotics and have a joint outlook on 2022 and what to expect from Magazino. Join us in this last webinar before Christmas 2022 together with Frederik Brantner (CEO) and Guido Reinecke (CFO) for a sneak peek into the upcoming year!
Peak Season Madness: How robots help in footwear warehouses?
The peak season around Black Friday is a challenge like every year for e‑commerce and in particular footwear warehouses. It might get even more challenging because of all the uncertainty around recent developments like COVID-19 or clogged supply chains. The fast-growing German robotics company Magazino, the British Footwear Association, and FIEGE Logistics are hosting a joint webinar to discuss those challenges. FIEGE has been using the Magazino robots for years in their footwear warehouse that handles the logistics for the DEICHMANN online shop. The fleet of shoebox picking robots has become a crucial element of support, especially during peak seasons.

Ask us anything: KLT Handling mit Roboter SOTO - Eine interaktive Produktvorstellung (German)
Die vollständig autonome Materialversorgung der Produktionslinie: mit SOTO kommt eine End-to-End Automatisierung des Kleinladungsträger-Handlings in greifbare Nähe. Dank seiner Intelligenz kann er flexibel auf einen sich verändernden Bedarf reagieren, Kommissionierwagen oder Routenzüge komplett ersetzen oder sinnvoll mit ihnen interagieren. Einer zunehmenden Produktvielfalt begegnet er mit einem cleveren Greifsystem, das unterschiedliche Kleinladungsträger in verschiedenen Positionen und Höhen handhaben kann.

Robots in footwear warehouses – how they improve Zalando’s logistics operation
Automation for shoe warehouse operations – how to significantly improve your operation. Mobile robots conquering shoe warehouses – it’s time to learn how they support footwear retailers, brands and 3PL’s to cope with order picking of shoe boxes in times of volatile demand and skyrocketing online business.
The perfect warehouse design for footwear
And how would automation technology be implemented in such a perfect case? On May 19th we welcome Frank van Boekel from Vallé & Partner as our guest speaker and expert in our next webinar. Vallée & Partner supports Magazino as a logistics consultancy to draft the perfect warehouse designs and processes for the footwear e-commerce industry.

Process d'approvisionnement et préparation de commandes pour les petites charges (French)
Pierre-Alain Gadal et Eve Mouton discuteront des défis actuels dans les processus d'approvisionnement et préparation de commandes pour les petites charges et les nouvelles opportunités qu'offrent les solutions communes de Magazino & Jungheinrich.

Use case webinar: LLOYD Shoes (german)
In diesem Webinar begrüßen wir Stephan Wiegmann (Leiter Intralogistik) von LLOYD Shoes als Gast. Gemeinsam betrachten wir den Anwendungsfall der Magazino Roboter im LLOYD Lager in Sulingen, Deutschland. Die mobilen Kommissionier-Roboter von Magazino picken einzelne Schuhkartons in der Fachbodenanlage und arbeiten Seite an Seite mit den menschlichen Kollegen im Lager.

It’s a match! How mobile robotics meets lean production
Learn more about the benefits of combining mobile picking robots and lean production equipment in our upcoming webinar with our speakers: Florian Palatini, market expert in the field of Lean Management and Ergonomics (item Industrietechnik GmbH) and Raphael Vering, Automation expert in the field of logistics Robotics (Magazino GmbH)

Sneak Peeks at Sneakers' E-Commerce - automated shoe box processes from picking to shipping
Our first joint webinar together with the company Packsize. Autonomous robots picking shoe boxes, dropping them to a conveyor, leading to the automated packaging stations by Packsize: for the first time, it becomes possible to automate the process of picking shoes in e-commerce warehousing completely without any manual steps.

Robotics meets Fashion Logistics
Magazino hosts together with the "Vereniging Logistiek management" from the Netherlands the first joint Webinar. We will have a closer look on how the company ASICS is using mobile picking robots in their Distribution Center.

Magazino Christmas Webinar: what to expect from 2021
In this webinar we look ahead! We would like to provide you an outlook on 2021 and what to expect from Magazino. Join us in this last week before Christmas together with Frederik Brantner (CEO) and Guido Reinecke (CFO) for a sneak peek into the upcoming year!

Black Friday in Poland - How Omnipack prepares for the biggest Peak
In this webinar we welcome Karol Milewski, Chief Revenue Officer at Omnipack, a fast growing 3PL company in Poland. Together we have a look behind the scenes of the preparation for Black Friday 2020 - maybe the biggest peak ever.

SOTO 2 - Produktpremiere & Live Vorführung (German)
In diesem Webinar stellt Magazino die wichtigsten Features des neuen Roboter SOTO 2 vor und zeigt diese in einer Live-Übertragung direkt am Fahrzeug.

Black Friday Wahnsinn (German)
Webinar mit Dr. Michael Drodofsky, Head of Logistics Development and Quality Management bei myToys, einem von Deutschlands größten Onlineshops für Spielwaren und Kinderkleidung. Wie bereitet sich myToys auf den größten Peak aller Zeiten vor?

ACROS.aI - the brain of intelligent and mobile robots
ACROS.AI stands for Advanced Cooperative Robot Operating System, powered by A.I. It is a modular software toolkit for developing and operating advanced and cooperative robots in uncertain and dynamic environments. It provides flexibly configurable apps on industrial standard that are tailored to the specific needs of robot or AGV manufacturers in various industries.

Une complémentarité entre les humains et les robots ? L’avenir de la logistique
ProGlove et Magazino GmbH mettent en avant la pertinence de leur solution combinées lors d'un webinaire. Nous n'avons pas seulement la même origine Munichoise mais également de nombreux usages en commun. Profitez de cette occasion pour en apprendre davantage sur nos robots de préparation de commandes intelligents et mobiles pour les entrepôts de boîtes à chaussures.

Use Case insights webinar: Zalando
We are proud to welcome Carl-Friedrich zu Knyphausen (Director Logistics Development) from Zalando as our guest in this webinar series! In this live episode we will talk about the use case of the mobile picking robot TORU at the logistic center of Zalando in Lahr, Germany.

User Interface & Autonomous Robot Operation
In this 30 minutes webinar you will learn more about the Magazino user interface for mobile picking robots and remote operations. Ullrich Kaiser, Head of Customer Success at Magazino, will show you the most important aspects of the daily life of running an autonomous robot fleet in your warehouse.

Use Case Webinar: Eobuwie.pl
How the polish e-commerce giant implements mobile picking robots. In this webinar we will share some insights together with our first customer from Poland: Eobuwie. Together with Tomasz Kupidura (Logistics Director at Eobuwie), we will talk about the use case with the mobile picking robot TORU in the shoe warehouse of this major e-commerce player.

Product Update: The new Robot SOTO 2 (German)
Durch SOTO 2 wird die Produktionsversorgung mit Kleinladungsträgern erstmals vollständig automatisiert. Von der Kommissionierung, über den Transport bis hin zur Verteilung der Kleinladungsträger direkt an die Arbeitsplätze ist mit SOTO 2 alles möglich. Lassen Sie uns die Produktionsversorgung gemeinsam neu denken!

Use Case Webinar: ASICS
Join us in this webinar to learn from Michael Grysko-Prattes, Head of European Distribution Center (ASICS), about the Magazino robot TORU and how the robot works in the ASICS warehouse side by side with human pickers.

Robots de préparation de commandes mobiles pour le e-commerce (French)
Comment les robots peuvent-ils contribuer au succès des opérations logistiques dans le commerce électronique ? Et comment les robots de Magazino fonctionnent-ils exactement ?

C-Level Talk: The World after COVID19
Together with Christoph Mangelmans from FIEGE Logistics and Frederik Brantner from Magazino we will discuss the impact of the Corona Crisis on each company, how they deal with it, the lessons learned, big surprises - but also the challenges.

The interface between robots and the WMS
How do the mobile picking robots from Magazino know what they have to do next? How is the interface usually designed between to individual robot, the fleet manager system from Magazino and the WMS from the warehouse?

Kick-off webinar: Magazino Roadshow 2020
How can you request an exclusive live demonstration with the Magazino robot TORU in your own warehouse?

Mobile robots in footwear operations
This webinar offers you a compact introduction to the world of mobile picking robots and how they are revolutionizing picking processes in shoe warehouses.

Mobile Pick-Roboter erobern das Schuhlager (German)
Dieses Webinar bietet Ihnen eine kompakte Einführung in die Welt der mobilen Pick-Roboter und wie diese in Schuhlägern die Kommissionier-Prozesse revolutionieren.
Is your KLT/Box Supply Process ready to be automated?
The Strategic Way to Robot Integration
Replace your tugger train - Product launch of the new SOTO robot
No Nightshift? How picking robots enable 24/7 warehouse operation and keep you flexible
Magazino Christmas Webinar 2021 - What's next?
Peak Season Madness: How robots help in footwear warehouses?